Friday, June 21, 2013

Wed June 5th
So it is no secret that I am not the most observant person. Actually when it comes to being a women I am basically clueless. So sorry if this is so much information but I began to think and I honestly could not recall the last time I had a period. I talked to Ben who was even more clueless and I began to notice a few things. The past week I had not been feeling by best. It became difficult to work out and I never really felt like eating. I have always always loved sleep with a dedicated passion but I would go to bed at midnight, get up constantly throughout the night and every time Ben moved I would wake up. I was exhausted in the mornings so after he left for work I would get some beauty sleep for about 4 hours. I honestly think I was in denial I have been convinced often in our marriage that I was pregnant and then never was so the thought of a baby growing in me was hard to believe. Luckily I had a great support team (Ben and Nicole) who convinced me to take the test and low and behold POSITIVE!! Again utter shock, it wasn't exactly planned but I was excited and nervous at the same time. A mental break down was prevented by my wonderful calming sister Jess. So I breathed in and out and began to plan a surprise for my wonderful husband. It went flawlessly but his reaction was less than perfect. The best moment was when he read a letter written by me as our future child. It is alot to take in but we take it one day at a time. I still feel like a kid but we are going to have one! I thank by heavenly father everyday for the wonderful man I have and the opportunity to gain a little one into the family.